
(Lov) // "Let it Snow!"

Wouldn't you know, I woke up Thursday morning with a cold.  I had planned on starting this project with a bit more of a "bang", but my head and chest must have had other plans.  So, I will save my original idea for a day when I'm feeling a little more "cheerful".

So I spent my morning doing something that my husband actually taught me how to do just last year...making snowflakes!  I'm not really sure how I made it 33 years without having ever cut a snowflake; you'd at least think I would have done it in school as a child. Maybe it's because I grew up in Texas where actual snow is such a rare occurrence.  Alas, by the end of the day, I can now say that I am an expert snowflake cutter.

And there's nothing quite like a detailed task like this to take your mind off of how bad you feel.  So snowflakes, I thank you.

I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to do with all the snowflakes once cut; there are so many cute and creative options:

* display them in the window
* tape them together to make decorative place mates or a table runner
* turn them in to ornaments
* turn them into coasters
* hang them from the ceiling
* make a long paper chain to drape across windows
* add them to a gift or card for a personal touch

I decided to hang them in the two main windows in our living room.  I used patterned scrapbook paper...so from the inside they are extra pretty and on the outside they look just like traditional white flakes. I arrange some in the shape of a Christmas tree on one window and a snowman on the other. I think it turned out pretty great!

My husband liked them and said he was proud of me.  I'll take it. :)



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