(Lov) // Lydia's "Tea-f" Party
On Tuesday afternoon I thought it high time that Lydia experience her first real Tea Party! When she was just about 6 months old, her Essie bought her this lovely porcelain tea set during a trip to Fredericksburg that we made while she and Brendan's Father were visiting us in Austin. It has sat high upon a shelf waiting for Lydia to grow old enough to partake in this little girl ritual.
If there is anything that Lydia loves... it's a party. I asked her if she wanted to have a tea party and she said "Teaf Party? Let's do it!" I told her she needed to pick 3 friends to invite to her party and she immediately gathered Big-Eyed Kitty (favorite), Bear (protector and confidant) and Rudolph (newest). She carefully chose where everyone would sit and then watched as I unpacked all the elements. "Oh Mama, SO pretty! Uh oh! Only two cups. What do Mama?" I showed her how we could use the sugar and cream holders as cups for Kitty and Bear. "Oh yes Mama, Bear needs a BIG cup."
She loved pouring the tea and we had a few spills. Usually she is quite the clean freak and would have demanded that we "clean up" right away... but she was having so much fun she just asked for a towel to keep in her lap. The party was in full swing when Daddy came home. When she saw him, she immediately kicked Rudolph to the curb and asked if he would join. Cuteset thing I ever did see.
(Lov) // What a Doll!
Taking Lydia to the Pumpkin Patch each October at the church where my Mother works has become an Vlass family tradition! Last year, she was a cute little Lady Bug. This year, she's got quite a thing for dolls so I thought a Rag Doll would be perfect! She has been "bursting at the seams" to put this costume on since it arrived in the mail a few weeks ago and has pointed to it EVERY morning and squealed "Halloween!" with great delight. So let's just say that today... she was one HAPPY little girl.
For those who have asked about my skirt, you can find it here. |
Happy Halloween!
(Lov) // Rainy Day Fun
6// Bridge 7//Little Chef 8//Elsie and Brendan 9//Playing the Pipes 10//A blur of kids 11//Build an arch 12//Happy Mama
(Lov) // LIFE goes on...
On Monday night it became obvious that we had lost our baby at what would have been 11 weeks. Last night the process was completed along with tears, hugs, and an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. We are grateful that God is in control. We are grateful that we have each other. We are grateful that God has given us a little smiling and dancing miracle that is our beautiful daughter. With all of the things that can go wrong, it really is a miracle when a health baby comes into this world... and not only lives but grows and thrives in a place where death is always looming.
I looked at Lydia with new eyes on Tuesday. "Mama sad?" she said when she found me crying in the bathroom. "Yes baby, Mama is sad. But it's ok to be sad sometimes. Mommy and Daddy lost something that we loved, but we are so happy that we have you... we love you so very much." "Oh Mama. Baby loves you SO much." She wanted to be by my side all day... constantly checking on me, giving me extra hugs, kisses, and snuggles as I waited for it to all be over. I don't think words can express or contain how much I love my daughter. If anything, this experience has helped me love and appreciate her in a new and profound way... which I didn't think was possible.
It is a sad day... but alas, LIFE does go on. Even this "little life that never was" will go on...returning back to the light from which it came. And even in my sadness, I KNOW that God's grace and provision are perfect. I have felt a peace and strength about what was happening from the very beginning... a comfort that can only come from "the God of ALL comfort". I trust His ways... I trust His timing... and I trust that His love will never leave me.
Do me a favor would you? Hug your children a little tighter today and remember that their life truly is a miracle... and thank the Lord for letting you hold one in your arms.
Thank you for your love, support, and prayers. We appreciate it so very, very much.
(Ed) // THE GRACE LIFE >> j o y.
The 1611 KJB defines joy as " a delight of the mind, from the consideration of the present or assured approaching possession of good." In other words, joy is the expression of a life lived in the present... being thankful and knowing that we are loved, having an assurance that our hope and desires will be fulfilled. I'll be the first to admit that joy is not one of my defining qualities.
By nature I would describe myself as a serious and self-absorbed introvert... often getting trapped in my own self conscience and bogged down by my feelings. I am a paradox; wanting to fully know myself and yet, desiring to be fully liberated from myself. For as long as I can remember, there has been this ever present tension inside of me between wanting to be self aware and desiring to become self transcendent. The only times I would say that I experience joy "naturally" are during times of creativity and parenting. It is during those moments that I am fully present, most "myself", and yet moving beyond all that I know myself to be and into who I know I am in Christ.
To the contrary, I would describe my husband as a practical and optimistic extrovert... fully engaged in the moment. He lives very externally; always in search of the next stimulating and exciting experience, pursuing everything in his life with cheerfulness and joy. He is bold, vivacious, and self confident... a natural performer. Unlike myself, he has a extreme disconnect from his emotional life and his "thinking" is stimulated by activity. His only downfalls are his lack of focus and a propensity towards laziness when he sees that his actions will not gain him instant personal gratification. And yet, even when he's scattered and lazy...the man is still full of joy.
We are a prime example of "opposites attract". He helps to pull me out and engage with the world, encouraging me to be in the moment while I help him to stay focus on what he really wants and what our family needs. When we are at out best, we act as a balancing force for one another. When we are at our worst, we act as a stumbling block in the road of each other's happiness. We think so differently, react so differently and find pleasure in such very different ways that is can often be a struggle. But what makes our relationship work when it seem like it should not is that our marriage is built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ.
Mutual belief, faith, and trust in God as well as an understanding that His word is our final authority is what will keep us from becoming another divorce statistic. With all the ways in which we are so different, it would be easy for us to grow apart, become resentful, seek our own, and not be fully invested in the partnership we chose to form if not for the common ground of our wonderful Saviour. The Bible settles all of our conflicts. Prayer softens hearts that get hard toward one another. And the "joy of the Lord" is the strength of our marriage when we as individuals are weak.
Joy comes easily for Brendan and I have often found myself envious of his "easy-going" personality. Though it may not be "in my nature" to tap into joy and let it flow out of my heart easily... it IS in the nature of the God who "loves me and gave himself for me". And just like my husband... because I am saved, sealed, and constrained by the love of Christ... access to that joy is always available and ready to overflow my cup. The way in which I gain that access is by choosing to focus my mind on what has been done for me in Christ...to glory not in my flesh (indulging in my feelings and imaginations) but rather glory in the Spirit by which I NOW LIVE.
The greatest gift I can give my husband is to be a joyful wife. The greatest gift I can give to my children is to be a joyful mother. The easiest way to have a positive effect on this world, is to engage it with a smile even on those days when I am crying inside. When I deny the self indulgence that is so strong within me (even in the face of adversity, fear, and pain) and count it all joy for the sake of my Lord... I am choosing to become the stronger person that God desire for me to be. "Therefore I take please in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong." ~ II Corinthians 12:10. It is only during those times that I am made useful and am able to truly love.
This is my prayer for you and myself today: That "the God of hope fill (us) with all joy and peace in believing that (we) may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost." ~ Romans 15:13
Have a joyful day, friends!
(Lov) // It is well...
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I've been thinking about this post from a few weeks ago in which I put forth my intentions on beginning two new series. In light of my being newly pregnant, I can tell you it's just not meant to be. I still plan on making posts to my "The Grace Life" series, but it will not be weekly and I'm scratching the "Do Unto Myself" series altogether because I just don't have the energy. This blog is supposed to be a fun and creative outlet for me...and I just can't bare the thought of it becoming an obligation that weighs on my mind at the end of the day. Lord knows, I have enough swimming around in my head each night as it lays upon my pillow. Good things mostly... precious, tiny, life changing things.
Lydia has been going to sleep much more quickly since we began a nightly ritual of reading "Charlotte's Web", my favorite book from when I was wee one. It only takes about one chapter, read in a soft and quiet tone, before she's sound asleep. I'm going to take advantage of this and get some much needed rest myself.
Side note ~ My friend James over at bleubirdvintage is getting ready to bring her 4th sweet soul into the world! Please send her and her family lovely thoughts and prayers for a smooth and successful home-birthing experience.
Good night all and may you have the sweetest of dreams.
Lydia has been going to sleep much more quickly since we began a nightly ritual of reading "Charlotte's Web", my favorite book from when I was wee one. It only takes about one chapter, read in a soft and quiet tone, before she's sound asleep. I'm going to take advantage of this and get some much needed rest myself.
Side note ~ My friend James over at bleubirdvintage is getting ready to bring her 4th sweet soul into the world! Please send her and her family lovely thoughts and prayers for a smooth and successful home-birthing experience.
Good night all and may you have the sweetest of dreams.
(Lov) // Oh Baby!
We are thrilled to announce that we are expecting our second child! I believe I am just about 7 weeks along... which makes baby about the size of a small blueberry. It's a sweet surprise and we are absolutely over the moon (although it took me about a day to recover from the shock). While I was trying to take this picture, Lydia came over and grabbed the blueberry to shove into her mouth. I yelled, "NO, that berry is supposed to be your brother or sister!" She then looked at the berry, kissed it, and gently handed it back to me. She's going to make such a great big sister. It is still early, so your prayers for a smooth and healthy first trimester are greatly appreciated! Praise God...for He and his timing are so very, very good!
(Ed) // THE GRACE LIFE >> amazing word.
Grace. It's one of those words that we have read and spoken so often (usually in cliche or idiom form) that it's meaning is all but lost on us. From the way our society speak of grace today you can maybe manage to deduce a few things: it's "amazing" and you always sing it at church, it keeps you from being like that drunken mess you see on the side of the road in the "there but for the grace of God go I" kinda way. It's the prayer you say when you go to certain relatives homes for dinner and it's something that people believe they can lose when they "fall" or sin. Well, the world is a pretty crappy dictionary.
Brendan and I often joke that the best thing about the "gay marriage movement" is that it shows that people still care about words and their definitions! And yet, our society is growing increasingly lazy and overly emotional with it's speech. Everything is "awesome". Everything is a "disaster". Take ME for example: "Your shoes are awesome!" Did my clients shoes really inspire awe in me when I saw them? NO. So, Why did I say that? Was the kitchen truly "a disaster" when I got home or had the dinner's dishes not been done yet? Why do I get overwhelmed so easily? The words I chose even in the small things shape my attitude, dictates my approach, and reveals the condition of my heart.
I have been a "visual" and "sensitive" person as long as I can remember and never really thought in words. When someone would speak to me about an experience, I literally SEE a vision in my mind's eye of what the person is saying. It was usually conceptual... my mind using this imagined scenario to help me envision whatever it is they are saying so that I could better understand what they are supposedly feeling. I always gave more credit to feelings and emotions than I did words....believing that this "perception" was a superior way to establish a deeper connection with people on an emotional level. This is total bullshit.
What I've come to understand, is that words are of far more importance than feelings because they shape the thoughts which ultimately become our beliefs. Our feelings are simply supplemental; given to enhance and deepen our experiences in living. To be guided by feelings is a characteristic of a child, yet to be guided by what we believe, even often in spite of having feelings to the contrary, is the very character of Jesus Christ.
The English language is a vast and beautifully detailed palette of color from which you can paint your thoughts with remarkable precision. Over my years of serious Bible study, I have grown to care dearly about words. Words mean a great deal to God...after all, they ARE the way in which He has chosen to communicate with us. Reading, studying, and sharing the words of the Bible are essential for those in Christ. We are to do this so that God "might sanctify and cleanse (us) with the washing of water by the word" (Ephesians 5:26) which will results in "being transformed by the renewing of the mind" (Romans 12:2). Once fully engaged and completely reliant on the Bible, it begins to change our thoughts into the very WORDS of God. Our next responsibility is to then to communicate God's truth with the world... a big responsibility that I do not take lightly. Therefor, I am very deliberate about the words I choose in my speech (and writing) because I see the gravity of their truth and accuracy.
If I cannot speak my beliefs in a way that expresses precisely what I believe or if the person I am speaking to lacks the ability to understand the meaning of the words I am using...we are not communicating effectively and neither of us is edified. Yet, I know that each time that I thoughtfully and confidently communicate that which I believe to be true, making sure that they are understanding with clarity exactly WHAT I am saying, the chance for those words turning into actions dramatically increase...for the both of us! If I was to remain content with perceptions and ambiguous feelings, I fear I might never have been able to establish (for myself , the world, and to God) what it is exactly that I believe...even worse, I may have never seen the importance. THERE but for the grace of God go I! (-idiom used accurately and Biblicaly).
So why IS the word GRACE important? Grace is defined as " the free unmerited love and favor of God, the spring and source of all the benefits men receive from him." // "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:" ~ Ephesians 2:8
It is only by God's grace that I am able to accept the gift of Salvation through the Faith of Christ. Without Christ dying for my sins and being raised from the dead for my justification, I would not be given or able to receive such a gift. God's favor is upon HIS SON and my being in HIS SON is the only reason God's favor is upon me. I certainly don't deserve it. I am no better than any other person who has walked this earth and yet, in Christ, I am given the chance to walk in grace.
So what does "the grace life" look like? It is one that operates under the precept that I (the old man) have been put to death on the cross with Christ and that the life I now live is not mine, but Christ living through me (Galatians 2:20). It is a life with a heart of overflowing gratitude. It is a life of righteousness in response to the unwavering faithfulness of God. It is a life of hope that elevates the believer above the pain and corruption of this dying world. It is also a life of charity (love+truth) that gladly puts the needs of other's before it's own. It is a life given BY God which is then given TO God to be used FOR God. It is both simple and difficult...and it is the life God desires for every believer.
People who are living this life are few and far between and I by no means claim to be one of them....but I want to be one of them. The few people that I have been fortunate enough to know who ARE living in the grace they have been given... truly are amazing. They are fearless, kind, thoughtful, wise, light hearted, loving and filled with a peace that only God's word can give. They pray without ceasing, study their Bible with a passion, work hard, and are well acquainted with joy. They are "The life of Christ" being lived out in the life of "His body" here on earth.
So here it begins...the first step taken on my journey to turn an amazing "word" into HIS amazing "life".
Come along will you? Thank you for reading.
(Lov) // Focus.
I'm not exactly sure where all this inspiration is coming from lately, be it travel, growing in my understanding of God and His word, or just the momentum of participating in life, but I'm simply a blaze with ideas and find that I have a genuine desire to make them happen. A huge part of this inspiration has been squarely focused on this blog. I have often found myself asking....why do I have it? What have I learned over the last year after stepping into this strange and wonderful world? What do I want to contribute to it that is unique and needed in this community and how can I help mold what it is to become?
I am not here to imitate the successful so that, I myself can find success. I do not care about popularity, but rather I care that the few people who do read my blog will be changed and moved by the quality of my content. I want to teach, and share, and document my life for my daughter. I want to be honest and brave and not fear how my words will fall on the person who reads them; knowing that I am only truly accountable to God for what I speak and write. I need a place to focus my thoughts, feelings and imaginations so that I can take them captive and hold them up to the truth. I want to get vulnerable. I want to do what scares me most. I want to inspire others to do the same.
As you know, be.lov.ed is already broken down into three categories:
-(Be)auty // beautiful people, places, or things:: the "art" of beauty :: the beauty industry
-(Lov)e // all things lovely, lovable, and loving.
-(Ed)ification // anything that encourages intellectual or spiritual understanding
I have had an overwhelming amount of "love" entries this year, as they tend to be about my family, while "beauty" and "edification" have been sorely neglected. As in life, the love just comes a little more naturally and I need a bit more structure to bring about the beauty and edification. Go figure. So, starting this fall, I am committing to doing a new weekly series in both theses categories! That means I will be posting at least two posts a week!
The "beauty" series will be called --Do Unto Myself-- where I will perform ALL of the services that I offer to my clients...on myself...and documenting the entire process! From waxing my upper lip to redesigning my blog...I plan on giving myself the full treatment! Not only does this make for good "blog fodder" but my hope is that this series will give YOU, the reader/my clients, useful information and an insiders look into how I navigate the world of beauty and design. For me, it will no doubt offer deeper insight as to how I can better myself as stylist and improve services. PLUS, it will obviously help me maintain a bit of self care when I most often just stick to the basics. I'm very excited to step forward and share myself and my work with you a bit more (a BIG step for me--- more on that latter)!
The "edification" series will be called --The Grace Life-- a teaching series about biblical living in the age of grace with a focus on marriage, parenting, and family. These will not be your typical "Christian" blog posts. With this series, my goal is to simultaneously share with you what it is that I have come to understand and believe through studying the Bible and how I am living out those beliefs in my day to day life. I plan on getting very frank, real, and will no doubt invite some critics. So be it. It could also open up a healthy discussion! My darling and wise husband Brendan will be guest posting in this series from time to time. He and I have allot of "collaboration" in our future and I am so pleased to welcome him here!
I am grateful to be moving forward in this realm with more focus. I am also very grateful for those who take the time to move with me. Thank you for reading.
(Lov) // OREGON
Our family trip to Oregon was truly one of the best vacations I've ever had. Going to a place I had never been, to a place so very different from where we live, was exactly what we all needed. Texas is a pretty awful place during the month of August, and it was such a wonderful treat to be able to leave the heat and allergies behind for a week. It was a time filled with much laughter, walks on the beach, exploring little towns, and a chance to reconnect with family and friends we don't get to see often enough. I took SO many pictures and thought about trying to blog them all...but decided rather to upload them into an album on my Facebook page. If you would like to see all the fun we had...stop on by and take a look! My mind has been a buzz with new ideas and inspiration for my blog since returning home. I'll be back a bit later to tell you about what all I have planned for be.lov.ed... I'm super excited! I hope you had a lovely summer too! Fall is just around the corner.... woo hoo!
P.S. I'd like to give a HUGE thank you to @leslielauth for making trip this possible. WE LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH!
(Lov) // MARFA, TX (Dirty Projectors)
The main reason we took this trip out to Marfa, other than my long held desire to visit West Texas, was to see the Dirty Projectors at the Crowley Theater. It's not very often you get to see a band of this magnitude in a teeny tiny little venue that seats about 170 people. To give you some perspective, they played a sold out show a few days later in Austin at one of it's largest venues (Stubbs).
We got there pretty early (there's just not a whole lot to do in Marfa) and chatted up some of the people also waiting for the show. El Paso, Dallas, Houston... most were BIG fans who had come for all over Texas. The opening band was Wye Oak who, despite some technical problems and obvious touring fatigue, did not disappoint. I chose not to post those pictures as most of them were of a blurry drummer (he moves CONSTANTLY and plays the drums, keyboard, and sometimes guitar at the SAME time and a I don't use flash at shows) and a grump faced lead singer who pretty much looked like this (below) the entire time. Nevertheless, they put on a fantastic show.
Over the last year, the Dirty Projectors has quickly become on of my favorite bands. There music is complicated, multi-layered, effects laden rock with some of the most amazing vocal harmonies you will ever hear. We had incredible seats (second row center) and the sound was perfectly mixed. The vocals bouncing off all of the wonderful wood in the theater coupled with drama of the lights and shadows gave me goose bump multiple times. Brendan and I both agreed that this was the best show ever- true musical perfection.
This young fellow was just a few people down from us and I don't think he would mind being called a "super fan". He was having a true religious experience - so familiar with there songs that he was able to determine which effects were being left out of the live performance and added them by either clapping of singing. Normally this would have annoyed me to no end, but it actually added to the experience.
After the show, I was hanging out in the merch area and doing a little "shooting from the hip" action and didn't realize I had gotten this picture until latter that night. This guy's shirt just about sums it up. We had such an amazing time going to a place neither of us have ever been. We will definitely be back to West Texas (with Lydia) and hope to explore Big Bend and Chinati Hotsprings... but I think we will do it in the Spring or Fall. :)
(Lov) // MARFA, TX (El Cosmico and El Sol)
Our second day in Marfa was spent mostly at El Cosmico. I prefered to call it "high end camping" while Brendan like to refer to it as "low end hoteling". Either way, it's a pretty great place to stay...but maybe not in August.
We chose the "safari tent" which was perfect except for not having any air conditioning or fan. During the day it gets brutally hot and it's really all about laying low and trying to escape the sun.
There are super cute trailers scattered throughout the camp with most having a private shower or bath on the front porch. I never did peek my head inside, but was aware they also had no AC. I can't imagine staying in one unless during winter or fall... talk about hot!
This is one of two GIANT teepees which were both occupied the entire time during our stay. Besides having two twin beds, I think this would be a marvelous choice the next time we come for a visit... Lydia would have such a blast running around this fun, adventurous space.
By mid day the sun is just inescapable.
Thankfully the main building (photo 1) has a common are with Wi-Fi, a gift shop, records and a record player, great coffee table books to read, and over priced refreshments if you are desperate.
Brendan and I played "sweet checkers", messed around on our phones, and learned how to play gin thanks to a lovely employee who taught us the basics.
This is what he preferred to do (hammock time).....for hours.
This is what I preferred to do (take pictures) ... for hours.
And then we were off to McDonald Observatory which is home to one of the world's largest optical telescopes!
A trip to the Dollar General to get a fan made coming back home to the tent much more bearable.
And a bottle of Champagne brought from home made it down right lovely.
More to come...
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